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Zelenskyy about Sievierodonetsk: If we leave it, it will be very costly to return there

Monday, 6 June 2022, 20:25
Zelenskyy about Sievierodonetsk: If we leave it, it will be very costly to return there


President Volodymyr Zelenskyy emphasises that if the Armed Forces of Ukraine withdraw from Sievierodonetsk, the losses will be much greater if they try to return it to Ukrainian control.

Source: Zelenskyy during a conversation with journalists, answering the question of whether it is appropriate for the Ukrainian military to keep Sievierodonetsk, or better to move to Lysychansk in more favourable positions.


Quote: "About Sievierodonetsk, if it is better to leave, because we have better positions there. You should also know: if you go to the better positions, it will be very costly for you to return, in terms of the number of killed people, the number of losses." 

"Now we are standing and losing people, [if] we move to better positions - then if we decide to attack later, we will lose much more."

Details: According to the president, then the Ukrainian troops will need to "have 5 times more equipment and people to attack."


He emphasised that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are currently "holding the situation" in Sievierodonetsk. But, depending on developments, decisions will be made on further action.

"Both the first option is a risk and the second option is a risk," he said, referring to the choice between fighting for Sievierodonetsk or retreating to bring the city back under Ukrainian control again.


On the morning of 6 June, Serhii Haidai, the head of the Luhansk Oblast Military Administration, said that the situation in Sievierodonetsk had worsened. Earlier, half of the city was recaptured during the counteroffensive, but now the Armed Forces of Ukraine hold positions in the industrial zone.

At the same time, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported in the evening that the Ukrainian military does not allow the Russian soldiers to take control of the Bakhmut-Sievierodonetsk road, and also Ukrainian defenders maintain control of Sievierodonetsk.

Oleksii Danilov, Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council, stated that the Armed Forces may further withdraw from Sievierodonetsk and other cities in the region in order to regroup. He believes that the temporary forced loss of Ukraine's territories is not a tragedy, and the main thing is to save the country.
