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Counteroffensive in Ukraine's South: Office of the President calls on people not to make "super sensational claims"

Monday, 29 August 2022, 16:37
Counteroffensive in Ukraine's South: Office of the President calls on people not to make super sensational claims


Mykhailo Podoliak, advisor to the Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, called upon bloggers and politicians not to make any hasty sensational announcements concerning the counteroffensive of the Ukrainian forces on the Southern front but to wait for official reports of the authorities instead.

Source: Mykhailo Podoliak on Telegram


Quote: "I understand our people’s wishes and dreams. However I still recommend quitting a comment-making mode regarding any military activities of the Ukrainian side…

Therefore I am once again reminding all politicians, experts and thought leaders (clearly they are informed much better than the soldiers in the battlefield) about how important it is not to manipulate and not to speculate with the information regarding the course of military operations BEFORE the official reports of representatives of the Armed Forces of Ukraine or the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine are made available.

Once again, the most important thing is not to make any super sensational claims BEFORE the official reports are released."

Details: Podoliak also asked the journalists to "verify information sources and the expertise of spokespeople on this topic especially thoroughly today and following days".

He stated that despite one’s desire to show their "awareness", closeness to "inside information", and to "hype" of the situation, it is important to remember that the war is not "content".

Podoliak asked the people to "be selective with the information and be professional out of respect for the defenders of Ukraine".

"There are absolutely no doubts whatsoever, that our soldiers will do everything right," he added.


  • 29 August Kakhovka operational group reported that Ukrainian defenders destroyed nearly all large bridges near Kherson and broke through first line of Russian defence in Kherson Oblast.
  • Serhii Bratchuk, spokesman for the head of the Odesa Oblast Military Administration, reported about several destroyed Russian military facilities in Kherson Oblast: military base on the premises of the machine building plant in Beryslav, a crossing in the village of Lvove and ammunition storage in the village of Havrylivka in Beryslav district, etc.
  • A "workplace evacuation" was announced in occupied Nova Kakhovka on 29 August.
  • Ukrainian officials have repeatedly urged Ukrainians in the occupied territories, particularly in the south of Ukraine, to evacuate.

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