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Iranian-made kamikaze drones able to fly up to 1,000 km; Russia can attack from various directions

Wednesday, 5 October 2022, 13:54
Iranian-made kamikaze drones able to fly up to 1,000 km; Russia can attack from various directions


Experts say that the Iranian-made Shahed-136 kamikaze drones can cover a distance of up to 1,000 kilometres. Russian occupiers can launch them from different directions.

Source: Yurii Ihnat, spokesman for the Air Force Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, on air during the national joint 24/7 newscast on 5 October


Quote: "The target is complex, but the drone is not so large: the wingspan is 2.5 metres, the weight is 200 kg, the warhead is 40 kg. In fact, it is like an artillery projectile that flies at a speed of 120 kilometres per hour, and when it hits the target, it descends at a higher speed.

According to the Iranian manufacturer, this UAV can cover up to 2,500 kilometres. However, experts note that it is unlikely that this kamikaze drone will cover that distance, because such a weight and speed will require a commensurate consumption of fuel, and a number of other factors indicate that it can fly about a thousand kilometres."

Details: The strike on 5 October was carried out by drones launched from the south. However, according to the spokesman for the Air Force Command, strikes can be expected from other directions as well, because the Russians could have sent drones to occupied Crimea and Belarus.

Ihnat noted that Iranian-made drones are a new threat to all Ukrainian defence forces and must be destroyed by all available means.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces need various forms of air defence in order to carry out this mission; in particular, they need anti-aircraft guns and large-calibre machine gun systems, which can shoot down drones at different stages.

Ihnat confirmed that Russia has switched from using Kh-101, Kalibr, Kh-555 and Iskander high-precision missiles, which cost millions of dollars, to unmanned aerial vehicles.

The Russians are probably going to threaten the whole world with the aforementioned missiles, which are capable of carrying tactical nuclear charges.

Previously: More than a dozen drones attacked Ukraine from the south of the country. Six of them were shot down, three by anti-aircraft missile forces in the south, and three by Air Force aircraft.

The remaining drones reached Kyiv Oblast, where they struck the city of  Bila Tserkva.

According to official data, three infrastructure facilities were damaged in the city as a result of the night attack by drones; there were no civilian casualties, and the life of the one person who was injured is not in danger.

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