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Russia's victory unacceptable, Europe must continue to support Ukraine even without US – Macron

Tuesday, 30 January 2024, 20:32
Russia's victory unacceptable, Europe must continue to support Ukraine even without US – Macron
Emmanuel Macron. Stock photo: Getty Images

French President Emmanuel Macron stated that Russia's victory in Ukraine is unacceptable for Europe, and that European countries should be prepared to support Ukraine "as much as necessary" even if the United States does not participate.

Source: Macron in a speech during his visit to Sweden, reports European Pravda

Details: The French President listed several decisions already made to increase defence production, but emphasised that more work remains to be done.


Quote: "First, we will have to be ready to act, defend and support Ukraine, whatever happens, and whatever US’ decision will be. I’d say we are lucky to have such a partner, such an ally [the United States – ed.]. But very clearly we have to be lucid of the fact that Ukraine is part of the European continent. And whatever the US will decide, we have to take the right and bold decision to support Ukraine and the Ukrainian people," he said. 

"And we have to follow the line in the current strategy, which is it is impossible for all of us to see Russia winning this war. Because there is no more framework and security architecture on our continent if there is a Russian victory. What is the future of our eastern flank? What is the future of the whole of Europe? What is the future of Caucasus? What is the future of Central Asia, if the result of such an international involvement will be a victory for Russia?"

He went on to say that in order to accomplish this, a number of decisions must be made at both the national and EU levels.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated that the situation regarding the stopping of American aid to Ukraine has had a certain impact on the battlefield.

According to media reports, key aides to US President Joe Biden warned at a closed-door meeting in Congress that without approval of additional military aid to Ukraine, significant difficulties could arise at the front line.

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