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Biden sharply reacts to blocking bill with aid for Ukraine in Senate

Wednesday, 7 February 2024, 23:58
Biden sharply reacts to blocking bill with aid for Ukraine in Senate
Biden. Photo: Getty Images

Joe Biden, President of the US, has sharply criticized the Republicans in the Congress after the Republican Party had blocked a bipartisan agreement on the border security and external aid package which included the aid for Ukraine as well.

Source: Biden cited by CNN

Details: Biden said that he "never thought I'd see something like we are seeing now" on Capitol Hill, and blamed his opponent former President Donald Trump for calling and "threatening" lawmakers with "retribution" if they supported the package, which also included more American funding for Ukraine and Israel.


Biden stated that the Republicans did it "because they’ve got Donald Trump calling and threatening them".

Background: The US Senate did not receive enough votes for a procedural vote on a bill to strengthen migration policy, which included additional funds for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.

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