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China calls Biden's words about "dictator" Xi "irresponsible manipulation"

Biden after talks with Xi: Russian war against Ukraine and situation in Gaza were discussed

Biden says they made real progress during meeting with Xi Jinping

US President begins meeting with Chinese leader in San Francisco

Biden wants to restore military ties with China – Sullivan

Biden's meeting with Xi: Details emerge of what leaders will discuss in San Francisco

Biden asks Netanyahu to pause Gaza operation

Trump refused to go to Ukraine at Zelenskyy's invitation due to "conflict of interests"

Biden's team hints White House could veto US budget without funds for Ukraine aid

Blinken's children visit the Bidens for Halloween dressed in Ukraine-themed costumes

Presidents of the US and China to meet in November – AP

Republican senators demand changes to aid package for Ukraine and Israel – WSJ

Biden says Ukraine's and Israel's success is vital to US national security

20.3 million people watch Biden's statement on assistance to Ukraine and Israel

Biden requests Congress for nearly US$105 billion in aid for Ukraine and Israel

Kremlin takes offence at Putin being compared to Hamas

Zelenskyy on Biden's speech: Together, we will not let freedom and democracy be destroyed

Terrorists and tyrants must not win, I refuse to let that happen – Biden

Turning point in history: Biden explains why billions should be spent on wars in his address

Both Hamas and Putin share common goal to destroy neighbouring democracy – Biden

Zelenskyy holds a phone call with Biden, ATACMS on the agenda

Biden to ask Congress for $60 billion for Ukraine

Biden to address nation on Ukraine and Israel wars

Biden arrives in Israel

Biden plans to ask Israeli leaders some tough questions, but "as a friend"

US collects information on missile attack on Gaza hospital

Biden plans to ask Congress for US$100 billion to support Ukraine and Israel

Biden to visit Israel on Wednesday

Biden says US can support Ukraine and Israel simultaneously

Palestinian president tells Biden he rules out evacuation of Palestinians from Gaza