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Tu-22M3 strategic bomber downed 300 kilometres from Ukraine, intelligence says – video

Friday, 19 April 2024, 10:16
Tu-22M3 strategic bomber downed 300 kilometres from Ukraine, intelligence says – video
Tu-22M3 strategic bombers. Stock photo: wilipedia

One of the Tu-22M3 strategic bombers which carried out a missile strike against Ukraine overnight on 19 April was downed as a result of a special operation by Defence Intelligence of Ukraine in cooperation with the country's Air Force.

Source: Defence Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU)

Details: The intelligence service notes that a Russian Tu-22M3 aircraft has been successfully downed at a distance of about 300 kilometres away from Ukraine by the same asset that had previously hit a Russian A-50 long-range radar detection aircraft [according to Ukrainska Pravda’s sources, this was a long-range S-200 anti-aircraft missile system - ed.].


As a result of the hit, the strategic bomber managed to reach the area of Stavropol, where it crashed.

Quote: "Note that this is the first successful destruction of a strategic bomber in the air during a combat mission amid Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. 


For every war crime committed against Ukraine, there will be fair retribution."

Why it matters: Russia launches Kh-22 missiles from Tu-22M3 aircraft. The Mozdok military airfield (North Ossetia, Russia) is located near the border with the Stavropol Krai, where these strategic bombers of Russia's Aerospace Forces are based.



  • On 19 April, a Tu-22M3 long-range strategic missile-carrying bomber crashed in Russia's Stavropol Krai. Russia uses these aircraft to launch strikes on Ukraine. Early reports indicated that the pilots had ejected, one member of the crew had been killed, two are in hospital, and the fourth is being searched for.
  • Lieutenant General Mykola Oleshchuk, Commander of Ukraine's Air Force, reported that Ukraine’s Air Force and Defence Intelligence of Ukraine had destroyed a Russian Tu-22M3 long-range strategic bomber that carries Kh-22 cruise missiles.
  • Oleshchuk emphasised that Ukraine needs more assets and more missiles to better protect the frontline territories from Russian terrorism.

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