Medvedev says it is time to silence people recognised as "foreign agents"

Saturday, 28 May 2022, 14:40


Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev has called for a strengthening of controls over people and organisations the Russian authorities have declared "foreign agents."

Source:  Medvedev’s Telegram Channel

Medvedev's direct speech: "I must admit that control over foreign agents has been quite formal. But today, it is time to restore order. If they are engaged in activities directed against the country in such a difficult period and receiving money from our enemies for doing so, the response must be quick and tough. [We shouldn’t have to] worry [about this], especially during a special military operation and unlimited anti-Russian sanctions.

And at the legislative level, a more precise classification and stricter liability of foreign agents should be introduced.

A bill has already been submitted to the State Duma that allows this to be done.

The activities of foreign agents should be put under strict controls and become transparent to our society."

Details: The ex-president of Russia believes that it is necessary to ban public activities and speeches by foreign agents and to prosecute them speedily.

Medvedev is convinced that in the United States and a number of Western countries, control over the activities of organisations that have funding from abroad is much stricter than in Russia.

They say that the anti-liberal legislation of the United States and a number of European countries allows local law enforcement officers to stop the activities of any foreign "human rights defenders" or people who raise some acute socio-political topic within 24 hours. Medvedev gave as an example that the US authorities would not allow a foreign organisation to conduct any public discussion about the murder of George Floyd in 2020 in Minneapolis. 

By 2022, Medvedev insists, Russian legislation on the activities of foreign agents had become significantly more liberal than similar laws in Western countries.

Note: All human rights, cultural, media, business and political organisations in Russia that receive funding in part or in full from foreign citizens or legal entities registered abroad must mark each of their social media posts, public speech or product with the appropriate label.

Organisations registered as "foreign agents" must request permission from the Russian authorities to give speeches in public and hold rallies or meetings.

In addition, the Russian tax and financial services thoroughly check the activities of such organisations.

Western human rights organisations, the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Commission and the UN, as well as foreign journalists, criticise Russian legislation as being contrary to human rights.


  •         May 26 Medvedev compared German Chancellor Olaf Scholz with Nazi Führer Adolf Hitler because Scholz supports Ukraine.
  •         May 13 Medvedev was threatened the West, saying that the world will face crises, destruction, famine, epidemics, and wars on different continents if Western officials dp not reach an agreement with Russia and lift sanctions against it.
  •         On May 12, the former Russian president said that armed assistance to Ukraine from NATO member countries could grow into a nuclear conflict with Russia.