A cat and personal documents: what intelligence found on Zmiinyi (Snake) Island

Wednesday, 20 July 2022, 10:59

WEDNESDAY, 20 JULY 2022, 10:59 AM

Ukrainian specialists conducted research and mine clearances on Zmiinyi Island.

Source: Chief Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine on Telegram

Quote: "Samples of enemy weapons and equipment were found and seized. In particular, guidance and control systems, Orlan-10 UAVs, MANPADS systems, grenade launchers, flamethrowers, small arms, combat logs, personal documents of the Russian military, electronic data carriers." 

Details: A cat who survived several months of the occupation was also found on the island. The animal was evacuated. 


  •         On 4 July, Zmiinyi Island was officially returned to the jurisdiction of Ukraine. 
  •         The Armed Forces of Ukraine have cleared Zmiinyi Island, destroying about 30 units of Russian equipment.
  •         After the liberation of the island from Russian occupying forces, navigation along the Danube-Black Sea Canal was restored.