Ukrainian Interior Ministry to classify lists of Offensive Guard soldiers

Tuesday, 7 March 2023, 11:43

The Ministry of Internal Affairs will not make public the lists of private soldiers of the Offensive Guard; 23,000 applications from volunteer candidates have been received and are being processed.

Source: Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko in an interview with Ukrinform

Quote: "In fact, we saw that there are many people, both men and women, by the way, who wanted to join the various posts of Offensive Guard. Not only in intelligence: medics, drivers, repair people, technicians, and so on have come forward.

We have already registered more than 23,000 applications. The information about more than 35,000 applications that have been circulated is not accurate enough, because the number of 35,000 includes the number of consultations provided. We have more than 23,000 applications."

Details: According to Klymenko, about five per cent of all applications came from women.

Foreigners are not currently being recruited to the volunteer assault brigades, the minister said. As of now, the Interior Ministry is dealing exclusively with Ukrainian citizens.

The commanders of these units are open, public figures. They communicate with candidates for service in these brigades and shape the intra-collective mood.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs will not publish lists of private soldiers anywhere.

Klymenko assured that each such brigade will be appropriately armed, primarily with Western and NATO equipment and weapons.

The head of the ministry also named the approximate salary of the volunteers.

Quote: "All personnel, foremost, intelligence and assault units, are people who will be highly closed from providing information to the public during the war...

In different units, the ratio [of people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs system and volunteers – ed.] varies: 40% of people from the system, 35%, and 45%. This becomes clear when forming these units.

Of course, there are already those recruits who have been accepted and are serving, undergoing appropriate training. These are thousands of people, but I can't give exact numbers. However, they are already receiving uniforms and equipment and are going to the training grounds to exercise.

The minimum salary at the place of permanent deployment is now at the level of UAH25,000 [US$680]. Further, it will be determined by the area where the person is located and the conduct of hostilities.

That is, this amount is the base. But, for example, if we talk about a citizen who was a major, he will immediately receive a couple of thousands for his rank. Accordingly, the person's post will also determine the amount of their salary."


  • On 2 February 2023, Ihor Klymenko, then Acting Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, said that the Interior Ministry began forming eight assault brigades known as the Offensive Guard to strengthen the Defence Forces and liberate the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.
  • On 3 February, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine reported that the recruiting campaign had started off quite actively
  • All people who will join those Offensive Guard brigades are promised a list of social benefits, such as the possibility to receive housing, medical treatment and education at a university.
  • Colonel Ruslan Muzychuk, spokesman of the National Guard, explained that planned mobilisation and creation of voluntary assault brigades known as the Offensive Guard are aimed at, first and foremost, creating reserves and assault units and ensuring the possibility of military rotation for carrying out missions related to the defence of the country. 

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