Slovaks in Ukraine call on Fico to support opening talks with Ukraine on EU accession

Tuesday, 12 December 2023, 08:39

The NGO Society of Slovak Intelligentsia of Zakarpattia has called on European Council President Charles Michel and Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico to support the decision to open negotiations with Ukraine on joining the European Union at the upcoming EU summit. 

Source: Ernest Horvat, Head of the NGO Society of Slovak Intelligentsia of Zakarpattia, on behalf of the NGO, reported by European Pravda

Quote: "We, the representatives of the Slovak national community of Zakarpattia, are addressing you with great hope and request that you support the decision to open negotiations on Ukraine's membership in the European Union, scheduled for 14-15 December 2023."  

Details: The letter notes that Ukraine has made significant progress in implementing the European Commission's recommendations on the rights of national minorities and that the bill just approved by the Ukrainian parliament reflects the interests of national minorities to the fullest extent possible.

Quote: "We strongly urge all EU leaders to continue to support Ukraine on its European integration path. This progress in democracy and minority rights is an integral part of the Copenhagen criteria for membership, and we believe that Ukraine deserves to be supported in its efforts in this direction."


  • A similar letter was prepared by the leaders of the Hungarian communities of Zakarpattia: they addressed European Council President Charles Michel and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.
  • Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó said after a meeting with his Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Kuleba that he had not changed his mind about the decisions on Ukraine at the EU summit.

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