Ukrainian Air Force shoots down 28 Russian-launched Shaheds and 2 missiles

Monday, 25 December 2023, 08:24

The Russians have attacked Ukraine with 31 Shahed kamikaze drones and two missiles. The Ukrainian Air Force has managed to shoot down 28 Russian UAVs and both missiles.

Source: Ukrainian Air Force on Telegram

Quote: "The enemy launched 31 Shahed kamikaze UAVs from the areas of [Cape] Chauda and [the settlement of] Balaklava [both located in Russian-occupied Crimea – ed.] and two aircraft missiles on the night of 24-25 December. The air defence response destroyed 28 attack UAVs in Odesa, Kherson, Mykolaiv, Donetsk, Kirovohrad and Khmelnytskyi oblasts."

Details: In particular, the Russians used a Kh-59 guided missile on the Zaporizhzhia front and a Kh-31P anti-aircraft missile from the Black Sea. Both missiles were shot down.

The Air Force also mentioned that two Russian aircraft had been destroyed earlier: one Su-34 attack aircraft in Donetsk Oblast and one Su-30SM multirole fighter jet over the Black Sea.

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