Russia launches massive attack: explosions ring out in Kyiv, Lviv and other cities, at least 9 people killed

Friday, 29 December 2023, 07:39

Explosions were heard in the city of Kyiv, Kyiv Oblast, Zaporizhzhia and Dnipro during a morning air raid. Explosions were also heard in Odesa, Kharkiv, Lviv and Khmelnytskyi oblasts. 

Source: Kyiv Mayor Vitalii Klitschko and Kyiv Oblast Military Administration (KOMA) on Telegram; Ukrainska Pravda (UP) correspondent; Suspilne, Ukraine's public broadcaster 

Quote from Klitschko: "Explosions in Kyiv. Air defence is responding. Stay in shelters!".

Details: A UP correspondent has reported that air defence has been in operation in Kyiv Oblast.

Quote from KOMA: "Residents of Kyiv Oblast! There is a missile attack! Air defence forces are operating in the oblast. Please maintain information silence. We urge you not to film or post the work of our defenders online!"

Details: Suspilne reports that the sounds of explosions have been heard in Zaporizhzhia, and a second explosion was heard in Dnipro. It is reported that one of the shopping and entertainment centres in Dnipro is on fire. The mayor of Dnipro has reported there were dead and injured people in the city.

As of 09:45, there were four dead in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast. 

Authorities are urging residents to stay in shelters or follow the "two walls" rule during the air raid [safety rule whereby a person keeps two walls without windows between them and the street during attacks - ed.].

Updated: At 07:48, Suspilne reported that explosions were heard in Khmelnytskyi Oblast.

At 07:54, explosions were heard in Kyiv again. Klitschko said that it was an "intense response by air defence". Wreckage has been reported to have fallen in two areas of Kyiv, with preliminary reports of a fire in a residential apartment building in Kyiv, as well as injured civilians. 

An explosion has damaged the Lukianivska metro station building in Kyiv. The station is working as a bomb shelter, and trains are passing through the station without stopping.

Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko has reported that there were three people trapped under the rubble of a warehouse in the Shevchenkivskyi district.

Later, it became known that the body of a dead man had been pulled from under the rubble of warehouse in Kyiv, two more people were being searched for, and the total number of injured in the city had risen to 17.

At 07:56, Kharkiv Mayor Ihor Terekhov reported a third wave of attacks on the city. A young man was killed and eight people were injured. 

At 08:20, Lviv Mayor Andrii Sadovyi reported explosions in the city. The Russian occupiers have hit a residential building in Lviv and a fire has broken out at a vocational secondary school, probably due to falling missile wreckage, with one person killed and one injured. Three schools and a kindergarten were damaged. 

At 08:38, Sadovyi again reported explosions in the city.

A Russian missile attack on Odesa has caused a fire in an apartment building. At least two people have been killed and 10 more have been injured, including two children, in the morning attack on Odesa Oblast.

At 09:30, the all-clear began to be sounded. 

Colonel Yurii Ihnat, spokesman for the Ukrainian Air Force, said that the Russians had launched a large-scale attack using various means.

"In fact, everything was launched... except for Kalibr cruise missiles. Otherwise, we saw Kinzhal hypersonic missiles and other ballistic missiles, S-300 anti-aircraft missiles and cruise missiles, which are still on our radar. In addition, Shahed attack drones were also used. The enemy also used Kh-22/32 missiles, and about 18 Tu-95 strategic bombers were also used (according to early reports, they carried and launched Kh-101 and Kh-555 missiles)."

"We haven't seen so many red [targets] on our monitors for a long time..." Ihnat said.

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