Biden to meet with Congress leaders to discuss unblocking aid to Ukraine

Tuesday, 16 January 2024, 22:00

US President Joe Biden will host congressional leaders and top politicians at the White House to discuss a request for additional funding, including military assistance to Ukraine, on 17 January.

Source: This was announced at a briefing by Karin Jean-Pierre, White House spokeswoman, European Pravda reports

Details: As she said, Biden will "host Congress leaders from the Senate and House of Representatives, as well as key committee leaders from both parties at the White House" to discuss the "critical importance of his supplemental national security request."

The White House spokeswoman did not elaborate on the details of the meeting, announcing additional news on 17 January. However, she said, the Biden administration believes that bipartisan talks on the supplemental request are "moving in the right direction."

The meeting at the White House is expected to be attended by Chuck Schumer, Senate Majority Leader (Democrats); Mitch McConnell, Republican Minority Leader; Mike Johnson, House Speaker (Republicans); and Hakeem Jeffries, House Democratic Minority Leader.

It comes amid a lack of progress on a congressional agreement that would unlock approval of additional funding to help Ukraine, Taiwan and Israel, along with increased anti-migration measures at the US southern border.

The compromise was hindered, in particular, by Johnson's position, which demands a much stricter approach to curbing migration at the US-Mexico border than the Senate negotiators agreed.

The US announced a new US$250 million military aid package for Ukraine, the last one this year, on Wednesday, 27 December.  Later, the White House said the US had no money for further military aid for Ukraine until the new package is adopted by the US Congress.

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