US Senate takes step toward passing aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan

Thursday, 8 February 2024, 19:52

On 8 February, the US Senate adopted a procedural decision for further consideration of the bill allocating additional assistance to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan.

Source: European Pravda 

Details: The required 60 senators voted to consider the package, which includes US$95 billion in funding for key US allies, under the shortened procedure.

The bill includes US$61 billion for Ukraine's efforts to counter Russian aggression, US$14 billion for Israel's war on Hamas, and US$4.83 billion to support Indo-Pacific partners, including Taiwan and to deter Chinese aggression.

Following a procedural vote, the bill must be approved by at least 60 members of the United States Senate after a debate. This vote is most likely to take place at the end of February, as senators will be on vacation for two weeks beginning next week.

The document was put to a procedural vote after the US Senate failed to secure enough support for a procedural vote on a bill tightening migration policy, which included additional funding for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.

This concerns a bipartisan border security bill worth US$118 billion, which includes more than US$60 billion for Ukraine and over US$14 billion for Israel.

US military assistance to Ukraine has been on hold since the beginning of the year, as Republicans in Congress initially insisted on its implementation only in conjunction with tougher measures to combat illegal migration at the Mexican border.

President Joe Biden, who supported the compromise bipartisan bill with border measures, said that Donald Trump was trying to derail its passage.

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