Air defence downs 7 out of 8 drones in Odesa Oblast: 1 was manoeuvring among buildings

Saturday, 2 March 2024, 06:48

The air defence forces have downed seven out of eight drones that the Russians launched from the Black Sea waters towards Odesa Oblast on the night of 1-2 March.

Source: Defence Forces of Ukraine’s South on Telegram

Details: The Defence Forces of Ukraine’s South stated that the air defence units were responding as quickly as they could for an hour.

Seven targets were destroyed.

One drone hit a nine-storey building in the residential area during manoeuvres among residential areas in the city of Odesa. A part of the entrance and 18 flats were destroyed.

As of now, it has been reported that one person was killed and seven more were injured, including a pregnant woman and a child.

Search and rescue operations are ongoing. Early reports indicate that there may be people under the rubble.

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