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"No reason to be positive about Russia, a threat for generations." Interview with Latvia's Prime Minister

Krišjānis Kariņš: "I see no possibility of Ukraine losing. I see no possibility of Russia winning it."

Defending the city of eternal fire through the eyes of the infantry: a report from the trenches near Avdiivka

Voices from a torture chamber in Kherson. How Russians tormented Ukrainians

EU criteria assessment for Ukraine expected in May; Kyiv keen to meet all but one

The Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration Olha Stefanishyna states that the first evaluation of the European Commission regarding Ukraine's progress in fulfilling the "candidate criteria" will be presented in May.

How Russia's FSB is fighting against Ukraine: murders, terrorist attacks, moles and cyberattacks

Kraken attacks: the story of the Defence Intelligence unit that the Russians have demonised

Decades and billions of dollars. When will Ukrainian fields and cities be cleared of mines?

"We are like 21st-century slaves here." What is happening at the Zaporizhzhia NPP in occupied Enerhodar

The battle for Kherson: the defenders that stood firm to the end

"She was a warrior of light." Stories of Ukrainian women killed at war

"I cannot imagine postwar Europe without Ukraine as NATO member." Interview with EPP president

Manfred Weber: "We need to give up fears and thoughts of what might happen, because Russia is a nuclear power"...

Kremlin's two plans. Who would govern Ukraine if Kyiv fell

The road to war and back: how Ukrainians are rebuilding the liberated Kharkiv Oblast

Hear and destroy: how artificial intelligence helps shoot down cruise missiles over Ukraine

Interview with the participants of the artificial intelligence (AI) project "Zvook" (Ukrainian word for "sound"), which develops radar systems to detect enemy missiles and drones.

Swapping your Lada for a Rolls-Royce: how Ukrainians in the UK are mastering Challenger 2 tanks and learning about assault operations

"We heard an air-raid siren, planes and bangs...the war has indeed started": the scariest day of February 2022 through children’s eyes

"I’ll shut the windows and draw the curtains. And then I’ll go to war…": Excerpts from the diary of Kyiv historian and writer Serhii Myronov

Support Ukraine punishing aggressor: What does EU need to do for peace

We all want peace. The Ukrainians the most. But peace without freedom and peace without justice is no peace at all...

Serhii Deineko, Head of Ukraine's State Border Guard Service, on texting Zelenskyy at 05:17, telling a Russian warship to go f**k itself, and the Monaco Battalion

We have every chance to end the war with a victory this year – Ukraine's Defence Intelligence Chief

Wartime diplomacy. Memories of German ambassador to Ukraine about one-year work at war

"When we received instructions during the night of February 23/24 to leave Kyiv, we still had hopes nothing would happen..."

"I offered him to make an old dream of his come true – to go on a trip around the world. But he went to war instead" – stories of foreign soldiers who died fighting for Bakhmut

EU acting to ensure international law will prevail in Russia's war against Ukraine

For the European Union and our partners, there is no alternative to staying the course of our ‘triple strategy’ in countering Russia's aggression against Ukraine.

Don’t look up. How Ukrainians were (not) warned about the Russian invasion

On the eve of the first anniversary of the full-scale invasion, Ukrainska Pravda looks back at what life was like for Ukrainians while the enemy was gathering forces for a major offensive; how our Western partners believed in the escalation of the war more than the Ukrainian government did; and how come the offensive was a surprise to a large section of Ukrainian society even though there had been warnings months before it actually happened.

Davyd Petrovych vs. Goliath: The gradual revival of the devastated village of Moshchun, a year on from the Russian invasion

No jets for Ukraine yet: Ramstein allies' plan to prepare Ukraine for offensive

Ukraine must be ready for a counteroffensive in the spring since time is gradually starting to play against Kyiv and the West.

It is easier to go to war without feelings: soldiers' stories of love and relationships at the front

Coup attempt in Moldova: Sandu nominates new Prime Minister facing Russia's threat

"The plan envisages the use of people from outside the country for violent actions in Moldova. They are planning violent actions, including attacks on some state institutions and taking hostages," the president of Moldova said.

Bohdana's first battle. How a Ukrainian Self-Propelled Howitzer forced the Russians to make a "gesture of goodwill" at Zmiinyi Island

New level of Transnistrian conflict: Moldova makes a step to ruin pro-Russian separatist regime

Based on the law, the economic blockade of Transnistria should begin, and conciliatory negotiations with the separatists should change to coercion for reintegration...

"People live their lives not comprehending what happiness it is to hug children." Story of a woman whose entire family was taken by war

Russia's February offensive. Hottest spots on the front now and possible directions of Russia's new attack on Ukraine
