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Revival of Intermarium: Forgotten Polish Idea to Help Ukraine Get Closer to Europe

The consequences of the second Russian aggression in Ukraine will change the world in many aspects from international law to nuclear safety, but also locally from regional cooperation to integration. Although Ukraine has now successfully applied to become a member of the European Union and by each passing day confirms it’s NATO membership worthy, it is perhaps more relevant today to focus on the pre-membership period.

Why Ukraine should establish relations with Belarus government in exile

Ukraine, which is waging a heroic war against the aggressor, is also achieving tangible and perceivable results on the diplomatic front. The joint efforts of diplomats, state representatives, and non-governmental players secure international support for Ukraine. But one foreign policy sector has wholly failed - Ukraine's policy towards Belarus. Ukraine is in touch neither with the self-proclaimed government nor with the anti-Lukashenka opposition.

Amnesty International report on the Armed Forces of Ukraine puts civilians in even greater danger than before – head of Amnesty Ukraine, who has resigned

It’s time for companies to pull out from Russia and friendshore – move a production site to a country that shares your values and strategic interests

How Russia's invasion of Ukraine disrupts the world economy

A Ukrainian astronaut on the ISS could be a reality. What will Ukraine gain after joining the European Space Agency?

Escaping the besieged city by foot: The untold story of a marine’s escape from Mariupol

Will tension between Kosovo and Serbia lead to war, and what should Kyiv do?

One more war in Europe – this time in the Balkans. On the last day of July, it seemed more real than ever.

How to drop the Russian banking system at once

Sincerely, Nelly: The diary of a Mariupol resident who has lived through hell in a flat overlooking Azovstal

Before and after the counteroffensive: Are there perspectives in peace negotiations with Russia?

Crimean plume. Ukraine clashes with the Belgian Foreign Minister over a visit to the occupied peninsula

In late July 2021, a cultural festival, "Global Values," was organized specially for Vladimir Putin's family in occupied Ukrainian Sevastopol. The dictator's daughter, Ekaterina Tikhonova, personally supervised the event.

Hungary Picked the Dark Side. Over Again, as in 1939

The Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Péter Szijjártó, paid an official visit to Russia on Thursday, breaking the Western diplomatic blockade of the Putin regime.

"Russia Began Special Operation to Disrupt the Delivery of American Weapons"

Ukraine is getting ready to radically change the balance of frontline forces.

EU Failed to Manage Temporary Protection for Ukrainians: It Turned into Chaos

In late February, right when Russia invaded Ukraine, the European Union made an unprecedented decision: it opened its borders to Ukrainians fleeing the war, Russian shelling, missiles, and tanks.

Five Ways to Help War Victims in Ukraine. Guide to Donate to Local NGOs

For Ukrainian humanitarian organisations, as for all Ukrainians, life is divided into "before" and "after." The full-scale invasion of Russia on 24 February has caused an explosion in the humanitarian needs of Ukrainians.

Not Only SAP: Kyiv Should Pay Attention to Particular Spartz's Statements Despite Conflict with Her

The congresswoman, who had never spoken with Ukrainian media before and had not cared about Ukraine, turned into the main newsmaker in Ukraine in just three days - after publishing a harsh letter to President Biden and demands for Ukraine.

Another scheme of the Russian "Kalashnikov". How to sell gun barrels to 44 countries under sanctions

Russian state arms concern finds ways to circumvent sanctions. One of them is to use intermediaries on the arms market. We will explain how it works using the example of the air rifles manufacturer EDGun.

What to do with a nuclear country that behaves like a schizophrenic? Interview with Peter Pomerantsev

Spartz vs Yermak: What Caused Scandalous Allegations in U.S. Congress

Victoria Spartz, a member of the U.S. House of Representatives of Ukrainian origin, accused both the American and Ukrainian leadership last weekend.

Officially gone missing, in reality a Russian prisoner: The story of a 19-year-old marine who defended Mariupol

Mamuka Mamulashvili, Commander of the Georgian Legion: Ukraine is the only country to take on the challenge of the barbaric terrorist state that is Russia

New Enlargement Plan: When Ukraine to Become EU Member

It has been more than 130 days since Russia’s war against Ukraine began. Ukraine has shown that it is able to defend itself and win the war, too, with the assistance from the EU and the international community. However, the war can be protracted. Ukraine and the EU need to prepare for such a scenario.

War, values, and money: a puzzle for the world’s most valuable brands to solve

"The atrocities committed by the Russians are their reaction to the fact that they are nobody in their own country." Interview with a historian

From Hermitage to music bands: Here’s the true reach of propaganda that makes Russians love war

Enough Is Enough. Time for Ukraine to Cut Ties with Belarus

When do we expect sanctions to change Putin's mind: an article by the EU's top diplomat

Are the sanctions against Russia useful? Yes, they are already hitting Vladimir Putin and his accomplices hard and their effects on the Russian economy will increase over time.

Security Guarantees on the Way to NATO: What Ukraine Can Count On

Ukraine and international experts will look for optimal security guarantees.

Madrid Summit Became Historic for Ukraine and Changed the Attitude Towards the Alliance

The NATO summit has become, of course, historic. These words echoed from all the leaders in Madrid, and they are not an exaggeration.

The Kazakh Banderite: a former marine from Kazakhstan joins the Ukrainian Armed Forces to defend Ukraine

The Demographic Tragedy of Ukraine: A Second Holomodor?
