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New photo of Russia's Minsk landing ship proves it has been destroyed

Wednesday, 13 September 2023, 15:35
New photo of Russia's Minsk landing ship proves it has been destroyed
The Minsk, a military landing ship of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet. Photo: website

A photograph of the Minsk, a large Russian landing ship, has emerged on social media, and experts who have studied it have concluded that it is beyond repair.

Source: the Telegram channel Krymskii Veter (Crimean Wind) and Oryx, which counts losses of Russian military equipment based on photos and videos

Details: Krymskii Veter posted a photo that was taken at the dry dock of Sevastopol’s Ship Bay and sent to the channel by a follower.


The Minsk, a military landing ship of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet, has been damaged so badly that it is beyond repair


Having examined the photo, Oryx concluded that the Minsk Ropucha-class landing ship was not merely damaged, but destroyed.

Judging by the photo, everything above the ship's deck has burned down.

Previously: The Ukrainian media outlet Defense Express reported that the Minsk landing ship and the Rostov-on-Don diesel-electric submarine had been disabled for a long time or even completely destroyed.

The assumption that the Rostov-on-Don submarine will be now permanently disabled is based not only on the scale of the fire that engulfed the dry dock, where the submarine was located together with the Minsk landing ship, but also on the likely use of a Storm Shadow cruise missile, which can effectively burn ships from the inside.


  • The occupation authorities in Sevastopol claimed that a missile attack caused a fire to break out at a shipyard near Kilen-balka on the night of 12-13 September, and the Russian Ministry of Defence reported an attack by missiles and uncrewed surface vessels (USVs) which damaged two ships.
  • OSINT researchers reported that a Ropucha-class large landing ship and a Kilo-class submarine had been damaged at a shipyard in occupied Sevastopol. The Russian Telegram channel Baza wrote that the Minsk large landing ship and the Rostov-on-Don diesel-electric submarine were damaged as a result of the attack.
  • Lieutenant General Mykola Oleshchuk, Commander of the Ukrainian Air Force, commended Ukrainian pilots for  "storming" the Russians in Sevastopol.
  • The Moskva cruiser was destroyed in the Black Sea by a Neptune missile in April 2022, and the Olenegorskiy Gornyak large landing ship was destroyed by a surface drone in Novorossiysk Bay in August 2023.

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