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Ukraine hopes for progress in negotiations with neighbouring states concerning grain import

Thursday, 21 September 2023, 18:08

Ukraine expects progress in negotiations with all its neighbouring states, mainly with Poland, Hungary and Slovakia, concerning control and resumption of export of Ukrainian agricultural products.

Source: Mykola Solskyi, Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, in the 24/7 joint national newscast, cited by Interfax-Ukraine and European Pravda

Solskyi stated that during the last few months Ukraine’s Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food has been discussing with Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and Poland the measures of control of agricultural goods export suggested by Ukraine.


Romania agreed with Ukrainian suggestions and provided its remarks, which the Ukrainian side may take into consideration.

Moreover, Slovakia also considers this plan acceptable.

"By Friday we will provide all explanations and additional documents. After that we will expect additional questions in order to coordinate their final options," Solskyi revealed, adding that such work is being conducted with Hungary.


He also reported about his conversation with his Polish counterpart Robert Telus.

Solskyi added that Poland will be provided with additional written materials. The Polish side will prepare its questions that will be discussed during telephone talks next Wednesday.

The Hungarian side also heard Ukraine’s suggestions. The Ukrainian Agrarian Minister stressed that "it is our common interest that only four grain cultures are discussed" – wheat, rapeseed, corn and sunflower.

"Hungary has agreed to this and considers our plan acceptable if additionally explained," Solskyi said and suggested that the Hungarian government probably wants to explain this plan to Hungarian associations.   

To the question about the decision-making period concerning resuming export of Ukrainian grain, specifically to Poland, Solskyi replied that the Polish government has the intention not to drag this process out.

Commenting on the possibility of Ukraine withdrawing its lawsuit from the World Trade Organisation (WTO), Ukraine’s Agrarian Minister reported that this issue was also discussed with his Polish, Hungarian and Slovak counterparts. He also suggested focusing on choosing the export control measures, and only then discussing everything else.

Background: Last week, the European Commission announced that it will not extend the ban on import of agricultural goods from Ukraine, but Kyiv agreed to take measures to limit the import.

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