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Ukrainian defenders down Russian Tu-22M3 strategic bomber for the first time – video

Friday, 19 April 2024, 08:58
Ukrainian defenders down Russian Tu-22M3 strategic bomber for the first time – video

Ukraine’s Air Force and Defence Intelligence of Ukraine have destroyed a Russian Tu-22M3 long-range strategic bomber that carries Kh-22 cruise missiles.

Source: Lieutenant General Mykola Oleshchuk, Commander of Ukraine's Air Force, on Telegram

Quote: "For the first time, anti-aircraft missile units of the Air Force, in cooperation with Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, have brought down a Tu-22M3 long-range strategic bomber – a carrier of Kh-22 cruise missiles, which Russian terrorists use to hit peaceful Ukrainian cities. During today's attack, two such missiles were downed for the first time."


Details: Oleshchuk emphasised that Ukraine needs more assets and more missiles to better protect the frontline territories from Russian terrorism.

Background: On 19 April, a Tu-22M3 long-range strategic missile-carrying bomber crashed in Russia's Stavropol Krai. Russia uses these aircraft to launch strikes on Ukraine.

Early reports indicated that the pilots had ejected.

Why it is important: Russia launches Kh-22 missiles from Tu-22M3 aircraft. The Mozdok military airfield (North Ossetia, Russia) is located near the border with the Stavropol Krai, where these strategic bombers of Russia's Aerospace Forces are based.

Screenshot: Google Maps

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