Information Ministry Seeking Funds for New TV Towers in Donbas

4348 просмотров
Sunday, 5 June 2016, 18:29

The installation of new TV towers in a number of cities in Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts will cost ₴12–20 million, according to the Minister of Information Policy Yuriy Stets.

Speaking about it on Channel 112 Ukraine on June 5, the Minister said that the allocation of these funds requires a vote in the Verkhovna Rada to change the state budget.

The Ministry of Information Policy has previously submitted several versions of the corresponding resolutions to the Cabinet of Ministers, and received a negative answer from the Ministry of Finance regarding the new TV towers project. The Ministry of Finance cited the absence of available funds.

Source: Ukrinform

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IP: 93.75.254.---Татьяна Боброва05.06.2016 22:20
п.стець...-а ви у кума попросіть...Не збідніє...через офшори буде дешевше...Украіна не забуде...
IP: 178.92.250.---vik2000_0405.06.2016 18:52
И правильно зарезал. Минфин понимает, что дело идет к распилу, поскольку во всем остальном мире телевышки ликвидируют за ненадобностью