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Ukrainian operators cut off mobile communications to the aggressors

Monday, 28 February 2022, 23:37

Ukrainian mobile operators have cut mobile communications off to the invaders, blocking access to phones with Russian numbers.

Source: State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine

Details: It is noted that from now on the networks of Ukrainian operators are not available for Russian telephone numbers.


Word to word: "Communication is one of the key elements of effective combat. Having lost the opportunity to call from their numbers, the invading forces are increasingly taking away phones from civilians. We call on Ukrainians whose mobile phones have been confiscated by representatives of the enemy troops to inform the operator as soon as possible and ask them to block the stolen phone. We understand that doing this when your phone is taken away is not an easy task. 

However, this is very important –find neighbours who have a phone, use a landline– the security of our state and the lives of Ukrainians depend on it."
