Many civilians wounded in Uragan attack on Lysychansk undergo amputations – Luhansk Oblast Military Administration

Tuesday, 28 June 2022, 10:06


After the Uragan self-propelled multiple-launch rocket system (MLRS) attack on Lysychansk on 27 June, many of the 21 civilians who sustained wounds had to have their limbs amputated.

Source: Serhii Haidai, head of the Luhansk Oblast Military Administration, on the 24/7 national joint newscast

Quote: "Yesterday an Uragan attack took place. It was an Uragan that fired cluster munitions: an incoming missile separated into many fragments and continued to wreak damage. Among the civilians who were hospitalised following yesterday’s attack, many of the injured had to have their limbs amputated."

Details: Haidai added that the Russian army has littered the streets of Lysychansk with so-called "petals" – anti-personnel mines which, if they detonate, may also result in loss of limbs.

Haidai stressed that cluster munitions, as well as phosphorus munitions, are banned by the Geneva Convention, "but the Russian army is deploying all of these munitions, not only against the military, but against peaceful civilians".

Earlier: Russian forces fired using Uragans [self-propelled multiple rocket launcher systems – ed.] on a crowd of people in Lysychansk who had gathered to collect non-potable water, killing at least eight civilians and injuring 21 others.