Media report downing of Russian Su-34 in Kherson Oblast, information confirmed false

Saturday, 24 February 2024, 03:10

Several media reports have indicated that a Russian Su-34 fighter jet has crashed in the Henichesk district of Kherson Oblast. However, later this information was confirmed false.

Source: Radio Liberty; Krymskyi Veter (Crimean Wind) Telegram channel

Details: Radio Liberty said "eyewitnesses are posting videos from the plane crash scene". 

Unconfirmed reports suggest it was downed.

Crimean Wind reports that a Russian Su-34 fighter jet disappeared from radar screens after launching missiles at Ukrainian cities. This allegedly occurred "at an altitude of of 2,000 metres above the Henichesk district".

"At least four fire engines and ambulances were sent to the plane crash scene," Crimean Wind added later. 

Update: The channel posted a video of an alleged Su-34 crash in Kherson Oblast. However, Google Maps shows that the area shown is located in Krasnodar Krai of the Russian Federation, where the A-50 aircraft was shot down.

Background: The Defence Forces of Ukraine downed a Russian A-50 long-range radar detection aircraft using a Soviet S-200 anti-aircraft system.

This article has been updated since publication.

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