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Zelenskyy develops "chemistry" with Scholz during Germany visit – Ukraine's Ambassador

Wednesday, 17 May 2023, 19:16

Oleksii Makeiev, Ambassador of Ukraine to Germany, described President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's visit to Berlin in mid-May and his meeting with top German officials as fantastic.

Source: Makeiev in an interview with Dzerkalo Tyzhnia, reports European Pravda

Details: According to the diplomat, a peculiarity of Zelenskyy's last visit to Germany was that "the president spent several hours in face-to-face meetings with both the federal president and the federal chancellor".


Quote: "And when the leaders spend several hours with each other, there is a very good "chemistry", which I personally witnessed on Sunday [14 May - ed.]," Makeiev stressed.

As an example of "chemistry", he cited Zelenskyy and Sholtz's use of their first names and the fact that the German Chancellor spoke in Ukrainian during his speech.

Quote: "This means that there is not only 'chemistry' here: an era of changing views is taking place in Germany.  This is happening not because the weather is so good, but because we are working with the right narratives and with the right people, and we specifically see what needs to be changed," the ambassador explained.


Background: Volodymyr Zelenskyy arrived in Berlin on the night of 14 May for the first time since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression.

During the visit, Zelenskyy met with Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the President of Germany.  After the talks between the heads of the two states, Zelenskyy was welcomed with military honours by Chancellor Olaf Scholz at the federal chancellery.

A day before the visit, when Zelenskyy was in Italy, Germany's Ministry of Defence announced a new package of military aid to Ukraine worth €2.7 billion, the largest package since Russia's invasion.

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