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Russian propaganda launches discrediting campaign against Wagner mercenaries

Saturday, 1 July 2023, 14:31
Russian propaganda launches discrediting campaign against Wagner mercenaries

The Russian propaganda Pervy Kanal (Channel 1)  reported on the inefficiency of the Wagner Private Military Company (PMC) in comparison with the soldiers of the Russian Federation.

Source: Meduza, a Latvian-based Russian media outlet; Pervy Kanal (Channel 1)

Details: In the story, the Russians compare the battles for Mariupol and Bakhmut.


Russians call the first city "one of the most important centres of Ukrainian metallurgy", from which "for eight years they purposefully made a powerful fortified area with Azovstal, which was considered impregnable, and an extremely motivated Azov Battalion."

It is noted that the alleged population of the city was 425,000.

Propagandists say that Mariupol was occupied by the troops of the Russian Defenсe Ministry and the National Guard of Russia for 71 days.


After that, the story talks about Bakhmut, allegedly "not the most important city from the point of view of the front", with a population of 72,000 people.

Propaganda emphasises that the Wagner mercenaries destroyed and captured the city for over 7.5 months.

The media recalled that on 21 May, when Yevgeny Prigozhin, the head of the Wagner mercenaries, announced the capture of Bakhmut, the same Pervy Kanal rejoiced at "events of historical scale".


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