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Roman Petrenko

news editor of "Ukrainska Pravda"

All Publications of this Author

Prince’s Infantry demonstrates how they flattened three Russian infantry fighting vehicles, plus the soldiers inside

Iryna Vereshchuk to Kherson residents: Please evacuate, we need to save you from Russian invaders

Former FSB colonel Girkin says he will go to war with Ukraine sooner or later

Chief Intelligence Directorate names details of commanders whose soldiers are firing cruise missiles at Ukrainians

Children of occupied Skadovsk will study remotely in Ukrainian schools

Ukrainian Armed Forces drive Russian forces out from 2 villages in eastern Ukraine

Ukrainian Armed Forces kill 150 Russian soldiers and destroy around 20 tanks and armoured vehicles on 13 August

Russians kill two civilians and injure ten more in 24 hours in Donetsk region

Powerful explosion in Mariupol, the adviser to the mayor stated the cause

Mayor reports on explosions in Melitopol: Partisans are hard at work

Defenders from Ukrainian State Border Guard Service destroy Russian trucks moving on other side of Siverskyi Donets

Anti-aircraft defence forces shoot down Russian UAV in Ukrainian sky

Vitalii Kim and General Dmytro Marchenko announce "certain results" in Mykolaiv region

Housing being built for displaced people to be allocated to the military and medics after the war

Cache of Russians with weapons and clothes was found near the border with Belarus

Russia to connect Zaporizhzhia NPP to Russian-controlled power grid in Crimea

Explosions occur at military airbase in occupied Crimea

Armed Forces of Ukraine receive fifty Turkish Kirpi armoured personnel carriers; 150 more units are expected
