ProZorro Becomes Mandatory for all Government Tenders
Starting from Monday, August 1, all state tenders will go through the ProZorro e-procurement system, a statement from the Ministry of Economic Development says.
"Starting from April 1, the central authorities, large state-owned companies, and natural monopolies were using ProZorro for all above-threshold tenders (from ₴200,000 for goods and from ₴1.5 million for services). Now, ProZorro also becomes mandatory for local authorities, municipal companies, and other organizations that use taxpayer money."
According to the Ministry, the experience of the first wave of implementation of the system shows there are no difficulties for those who order goods and services through ProZorro. On the contrary, it simplifies the procurement process and allows to save money.
It is symbolic, that the name of the state-owned company that is currently administering the ProZorro system will also be changed to ‘Prozorro’, starting from August 1.
Source: Ekonomichna Pravda