State Officials Begin to e-Declare Incomes

Tuesday, 16 August 2016, 00:27

A total of seven electronic income declarations of state officials have been already uploaded to the Unified State Register.


The e-declaration system has to be properly certified to become an efficient anti-corruption tool.

In the meanwhile, on the night of August 15, the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption opened access to the e-declaration system interface.

As European Pravda noted earlier, due to the lack of an information protection certificate the data from e-declarations cannot be used as court evidence. Thus, the officials who publish false information about their income and assets cannot be brought to liability.

The EU has already stated that the launch of an e-declaration system with a proper certificate is a key requirement for visa liberalization.

For more details about this development, read here.

Source: Ukrayinska Pravda

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