Majority of EU countries condemn blockade of Ukrainian grain by three countries

Monday, 18 September 2023, 16:42

Most EU member states support the decision proposed by the European Commission regarding the export of Ukrainian grain and against the grain blockade.

Source: European Pravda, citing RMF FM and Reuters

Details: Spanish Agriculture Minister Luis Planas Puchades said that the European Commission has done a good job.

Most Western agriculture ministers believe that solidarity with Ukraine should be preserved, since grain is an important part of the income for the Ukrainian side. They are also critical of the unilateral blockade by Poland, Hungary and Slovakia.

As the Spanish minister pointed out, it is contrary to EU legislation for any country to introduce unilateral measures against the single market, but the European Commission must be the judge of that.

However, according to Polish radio station RMF FM, the European Commission will be in no hurry to punish Poland just yet.

"There is currently no desire to take decisive measures against Poland," a high-ranking European official said.

Finland's Minister of Agriculture Sari Essayah said she understood Ukraine's decision to file a complaint to the WTO, stressing that international and EU obligations must be respected.

French Agriculture Minister Marc Fesneau has also criticised the unilateral blockade, saying such actions called European solidarity into question.

"For solidarity there needs to be unity... We must keep hold of the two elements, otherwise the European project is at risk. The single market is a fundamental element," Fesneau said.


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