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Russia responsible for destruction of Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant – White House

Thursday, 8 June 2023, 04:47
Russia responsible for destruction of Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant – White House

The destruction of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant would not have been possible if the Russian army had not invaded Ukraine, and therefore Russia is responsible for what happened.

Source: Karine Jean-Pierre, the spokesperson for the White House, at a briefing 

Details: Jean-Pierre has stated that the United States continues to assess the causes of the destruction of the hydroelectric power plant.


However, according to her, this would not have happened if Russia had not attacked Ukraine, and therefore the responsibility for the disaster lies with Russia, which controlled the plant.

Quote: "We are still assessing what happened . We are indeed in touch with the Ukrainians. The   damage, obviously, and the devastation that we are seeing is heartbreaking. We will do everything that we can to help the people of Ukraine…"

"This dam was under Russia’s control. And they bear responsibility for the destruction caused by this war."


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