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German government welcomes Ukraine's grain embargo lift: Anything else plays into Putin's hands

Saturday, 16 September 2023, 15:40

German Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir believes that the cancellation of the EU ban on the import of Ukrainian grain is the right step.

Source: Tagesschau, cited by European Pravda

Quote: "Ukraine continues to need our help – for as long as it takes. This also means that we approach challenges in solidarity and do not play crises against each other," said The Greens' party member.


There should not be any individual national efforts, but a united approach of the European Commission and all 27 member states, Cem Özdemir said.

Quote: "Anything else simply plays into Putin's hands – and calls into question the basic principles of our internal market," the German Agriculture minister said.

Özdemir demands that the long-term development of alternative export routes to the EU become a priority.  He says Ukraine depends on income from grain trade, and its products are primarily needed in the global South.


Quote: "We will certainly use the next council of Agriculture Ministers in Brussels on Monday for further discussions," the German Agriculture minister said.


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