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Iryna Balachuk

news editor of "Ukrainska Pravda"

All Publications of this Author

Another journalist who joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine has been killed

Putin continues to send conscripts to war in Ukraine - Ukrainian intelligence

Motivation, equipment and values ​​- Pavlyuk told how the Armed Forces of Ukraine have changed since 2014

Russian army has already lost 199 aircraft, 324 UAVs and 24.9 thousand soldiers

Mykolaiv Region: 5 civilians wounded on Thursday, 5 May

Russian troops deploy Grads to launch rockets at Dnipropetrovsk Region

Bodies of two men killed by invaders and run over with a tank found in Kyiv Region

Possibility of talks between Zelenskyy and Putin came to a halt after Johnson’s visit - UP sources

Russia admits it cannot hold Victory Day parade in Donetsk and Luhansk

Defenders have now destroyed 196 Russian aircraft and killed 24,700 invaders - General Staff

Occupiers in Mariupol put up a monument of a 'grandmother with the flag of the USSR'; Putin's representative Kiriyenko arrives in Mariupol

Advisor to Mayor of Mariupol: Russia will force Mariupol residents to wear Ukrainian military uniforms for “war prisoners parade”

Russian artillery shelling in Luhansk Region: 5 people killed

Bodies of 4 civilians killed by Russian troops, including 1 child, found in Kyiv Region

Kyiv region: 20 bodies of civilians killed by occupiers found in one day

Two women killed by Russian bombs as massive assault on Azovstal continues

Mariupol: only 3 of 14 buses with evacuees have reached Zaporizhzhia - Mayor

Russians shell village in Zaporizhzhia region: 2 dead
