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news editor of "Ukrainska Pravda"

All Publications of this Author

Negotiations with Russia are underway, a ceasefire and withdrawal of troops from Ukraine are being discussed - Podoliak

Death toll from Russian airstrike on a school in the Mykolaiv region rises to 7

Ukrainian border guards send greetings from Mariupol: fighting Russian occupying forces elite – Russian Marines

President Zelenskyy signs off on laws punishing collaboration with Russia

Russian media report "attack on Donetsk": Ukrainian Armed Forces stress it can only be a Russian missile

Invaders suffer a devastating blow to their rear on the Zaporizhzhia front

Air-raid sirens sound in most regions of Ukraine overnight - How things stand on Monday morning

Olympic athlete exchanges biathlon rifle for assault rifle and goes to defend Ukraine

Russians have hit a psycho-neurological residential care facility in Puscha-Vodytsia with artillery

"Where are the dead enemies?": Ministry of Defence explains why 12,000 have been frozen

Putin's regime prepares provocations and terrorist attacks in Russian Federation to discredit Ukrainians – centre at the National Security and Defence Council

As a result of the attack on the Yavoriv peacekeeping and security centre, 9 people died and 57 were injured

The invader's losses as of 13 March: Russian aviation depleted by 74 aircraft

"Northern Seals" destroy Russian missile unit that was shelling Chernihiv

Ukraine’s Intelligence: Russian troops shelled convoy of women and children in Kyiv region, killing 7

Ukrainian defence forces liberated two more settlements in Chernihiv Region

A Russian tank crushed a car with a child in the Zaporizhzhia region

In Mykolaiv, Russian forces are resorting to forced mobilisation from Donetsk and Luhansk
