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news editor of "Ukrainska Pravda"

All Publications of this Author

The head of Ukrainian MIA comments on the border of Ukraine with Moldova and unrecognised breakaway state of Transdnistria

Ukraine and the Russian Federation agree on evacuations via six "green" corridors

Kharkiv remains under the control of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, in the Izyum region border guards repelled an attack on a checkpoint and captured an infiltrator

"If you fight– you will win": the situation in Ukraine’s regions as of 9 March

Second evacuation convoy left Sumy

Sumy bombings kill 21 people

Evacuation of Sumy commences

Russian troops increasingly use Ukrainian civilians as “human shields”

Zelenskyy recalls Ukrainian peacekeepers from around the world to defend the country

21st-century barbarians: Russian invaders have damaged or destroyed 202 schools, 34 hospitals and more than 1,500 residential buildings

3,000 residents of Russian-occupied Chaplynka near Kherson rally against the invasion

Journalist from Lviv has died at war

Danilov: "Never fight against Ukraine, our people have crushed more than one empire"

Humanitarian cargo has not yet arrived in Mariupol: no ceasefire

Ukrainian para-athletes win their 4th gold in Beijing

Ukraine’s Health Ministry refutes Russian fakes on “biological weapons programmes”

Security Service of Ukraine shuts down terrorist cell from temporarily occupied Donbas

Dozens of Russian helicopters, three columns of vehicles, "trophies from the aggressor" – Ukrainian Armed Forces had a successful night
