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news editor of "Ukrainska Pravda"

All Publications of this Author

Aggressors suffer heavy losses and change their aerial warfare strategy - Air Forces of Armed Forces of Ukraine

In Kyiv, a shell flew into the yard of a high-rise building: 5 casualties currently reported

People protesting against the occupation in Berdiansk are beaten and detained

Due to failures in the war, Russia has started using more destructive artillery – Adviser to Ermak

Head of Regional Administration on shelling of Chernihiv and Nizhyn: Russian troops are desperate

Intelligence: Russians still trying to kill the leadership of Ukraine; new militants arrive

Russia's war: direct talks between Zelenskyy and Putin supported by 74% of Ukrainians

Not an inch to the enemy: Rubizhne city centre is being swept clean of occupiers

Lavrov's mantras about neo-Nazis in Ukraine mean that Russian warship is sinking - Foreign Ministry

Ukraine’s air defence systems shoot down another Russian helicopter over Kyiv region

Ukrainian soldiers shot down a "Tochka U" missile from a Stinger

Russian troops destroy ski centre in Chernihiv

10 humanitarian corridors must start working on March 19th, delivery of humanitarian aid also planned

Russian Ministry of Defence announces the use of Kinzhal hypersonic missiles in Ukraine

Russian intelligence fails over Odesa: drones are headed to hell

Cyberpolice have already blocked 1,500 resources of the Russian occupiers

Ukrainian troops strengthen Kyiv’s third ring of defence

"Close the sky": Lviv commemorates Ukrainian children killed by Russians
