Chief of Body to Manage Seized Assets to Be Selected by Panel

Friday, 19 August 2016, 14:02

A total of 20 persons applied for the post of the Chief of National Agency for the Management of Seized Assets, press-office of the Anti-Corruption Action Center reported on August 19.

This Agency was established in early February 2016 to manage the assets seized during the pre-trial investigation of the corruption offences and to seek income from selling the assets seized by courts.

The selection panel to pick it the Agency Chief is composed of nine persons – journalists, legal experts and professionals from anti-corruption NGOs.

According to the selection panel, the candidates will undergo the tests and interviews. Final decision has to be announced on September 16. The candidate should be the citizen of Ukraine, be fluent in Ukrainian, should have no criminal record and pass the special and income verification.

The full list and applications of 20 candidates are available on the Government’s web-site.

On August 19, the selection panel will decide on the candidates who meet formal requirements and are eligible for a test.

Source: Ukrayinska Pravda

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