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They want to cut electricity and mobile communications off: authorities on the intentions of the aggressors

Monday, 28 February 2022, 23:48
They want to cut electricity and mobile communications off: authorities on the intentions of the aggressors

Olena Roshchina-- Tuesday 01 March 2022, 00:48

Russian troops waging war against Ukraine want to put the capital's TPP-6 thermal power plant out of action and cut  off electricity in Kyiv. They might also attempt to destroy mobile communication towers in different parts of Ukraine.

Source: Presidential evening address, General Staff of Ukrainian Armed Forces


Zelenskyy, Ad verbatim:  "In 5 days of invasion of Ukraine, 56 missile strikes have already been launched, 113 cruise missiles have been fired (...).

Kyiv is a key goal of the enemy. They want to break our national statehood. This means that the capital is constantly under threat. Three missile and bomb strikes have been carried out during this day only.

TTP-6 is being held at gunpoint. They want to disable the power plant and leave our city without electricity. They have failed to break the capital's defence and they have been sending their infiltrators, hundreds of them, continuously. We are neutralising all of them, " the President assured.

Details: The town of Volnovakha in the Donetsk region was left without electricity and water as a result of Russian troops actions. Similarly some districts of Kharkiv were cut off from the electricity supply.

At the same time, the commanders of Russian tactical groups were ordered to destroy mobile communication towers as they advanced into Ukraine, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces.
