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Cyber warfare: more than 3,000 DDoS attacks since 15 February

Saturday, 19 March 2022, 14:35

SATURDAY, 19 MARCH 2022, 15:18

Cyber attacks on Ukraine's critical information infrastructure have not abated since the start of hostilities. Ukraine has experienced more than 3,000 DDoS attacks since 15 February.

Source: State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection, press release


The State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection note that Russian hackers have been attacking information infrastructure. Phishing emails, distribution of malware, and DDoS attacks remain the most popular types of attacks. A record 275 DDoS attacks per day were recorded, with the most powerful exceeding 100 Gbps. 

Quote: "Hackers primarily attack the information resources of government agencies, institutions and companies in the financial and telecommunication sectors.

Despite this, all services are up and running and available to users. 

Providers and operators are coping with cyber attacks on their networks. Most of the problems in network operation are related to physical damage, which can also be repaired quickly."
