Mariupol: Several hundred civilians are sheltering at Azovstal plant

Wednesday, 20 April 2022, 20:51

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 2022, 8:51 p.m.

According to Mykhailo Vershinin, the head of the Mariupol patrol police, a few hundred civilians are sheltering on the territory of the Azovstal plant.

Source: Mykhailo Vershinin, "Suspilne".

Quote: "As for the civilians who are at Azovstal now... Earlier, before the intensification of hostilities, there were about a thousand people here. Now there are fewer people here, several hundred of them. But there are people with children. There is a video about them, it’s already being broadcast.

They live as a sort of [separate] commune; though if they ask for help, they receive it. When the military stays together with civilians, it makes civilians a military target [for the enemy], so [they] don’t stick together (military and civilians - ed.) We are all living in extremely austere conditions. But there are [civilian] people here and there are children. There are families of [our] soldiers as well. So to surrender themselves to the [Russian soldiers] is not really an option for them. Some people say they will only [evacuate] to Ukraine".

Details: According to Vershinin, explosions in the city are heard more often than not, and the shelling continues all the time.

Quote: "It’s a rare occasion when we DON'T hear the explosions. It [strikes] almost all the time, at everyone. It’s like a loop. The plane comes, then the ship's artillery fires, then the MLRS (multiple rocket launcher - ed.), then the plane comes again, the second barrage nearby, then the artillery again. Here a bunch of everything is falling on our heads. So the shelling almost never stops".
