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Negotiations and truce with Russia are unprofitable for both Ukraine and Europe – Office of President of Ukraine

Thursday, 25 August 2022, 12:16
Negotiations and truce with Russia are unprofitable for both Ukraine and Europe – Office of President of Ukraine


The negotiation process with Russia to end the war is currently unprofitable for Ukraine and the rest of Europe because any temporary truce will mean that Russia’s aggression will continue in the future.

Source: Mykhailo Podoliak, the adviser to the head of the Office of President of Ukraine, in an interview with Bild; President’s official website


Quote from Podoliak: "The negotiation process today will fix a temporary truce in the war, which will not be over. Accordingly, the Russian Federation will consider this a victory and will continue to claim to promote its expansionist policy. Therefore, a truce now will only mean the next stage of the war [will follow] after a certain time."

Details: Podoliak also noted that in the event of such an uncertain end of the war, many citizens will not risk returning to Ukraine, and investments will not come.

Direct speech: "This will be a "grey zone" that grows and constantly puts pressure on Europe. Europe will be forced to constantly invest large amounts of money [in] here to somehow maintain this territory in a viable state. This is unprofitable for Europe in the medium and long terms."

More details: Podoliak says the negotiation process is unprofitable for Germany and other EU countries today, as it will provoke Russia to behave more boldly in the economic, political and diplomatic terms.

Podoliak believes that it will be possible to start talking about negotiations with the aggressor state only when Russia’s last hope to squeeze Ukraine by military force collapses.

He also noted that the quality of life in Ukraine is significantly reduced due to the war, and there will also be a certain deterioration in Europe. "But this is a payment for such an intense war, [something] which has not happened since the Second World War. And this war needs to be ended correctly if you don't want to pay [this price] all the time," Podoliak said.

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