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First convoy of ships carrying Ukrainian food cargo leaves Odesa and Chornomorsk ports

Friday, 5 August 2022, 08:55


The first convoy of ships carrying Ukrainian food cargo has left the ports of Odesa and Chornomorsk as part of the agreement to ensure the safe export of grain and other foodstuffs from Ukraine.

Source: Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine on Telegram


Details: Three bulk carriers – NAVI STAR, ROJEN and POLARNET – carrying 57,000 tonnes of Ukrainian corn are heading for Turkey, United Kingdom and Ireland.

Quote from Oleksandr Kurbakov, Minister of Infrastructure: "Today’s convoy will launch the ‘grain initiative’ in the port of Chornomorsk.

We expect that the security guarantees of our partners in the UN and in Turkey will continue to work and the export of foodstuffs from our ports will become stable and dependable for all those involved in the market. In order to achieve this goal, we are planning to ensure that our ports can process over 100 ships each month."

"Though the ‘grain corridor’ is already working for exports, we intend to ensure it is working at full capacity in both directions. We are receiving requests from ship owners who are prepared to enter our ports to receive new loads. Our goal is to export over 3 million tonnes of agricultural products from the ports of Odesa, Chornomorsk and Pivdennyi each month."

Details: The Ministry of Infrastructure has reported that it is currently open to ship owners’ requests to enter the three Ukrainian ports for loading.

Working with these ship owners will allow the Ukrainian ports to resume the loading of new ships.


On Thursday, 4 August, reports indicated that another three vessels will depart from Ukrainian Black Sea ports on Friday, 5 August to transport food cargo, including grain.

On Wednesday, 3 August, representatives of Russia, Ukraine, Turkey and the United Nations at the Joint Coordination Centre in Istanbul completed their inspection of the dry cargo ship Razoni, the first ship to pass through the "grain corridor" from Odesa.

After the inspection, the ship will then take a course to Tripoli (Libya), its port of destination, carrying 26,000 tonnes of Ukrainian corn.

On the morning of 1 August, Kurbakov reported that the ship Razoni, under the flag of Sierra Leone, left the Odesa port carrying 26,000 tonnes of Ukrainian corn.

It was the first grain cargo ship to leave the Odesa port since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion, thanks to the grain deal Ukraine and Russia had concluded in Istanbul with the mediation of Turkey and the UN.

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