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Cells for the prisoners of war next to a room with icons. The Armed Forces of Ukraine showed Russians’ lair in the liberated territory of the Kharkiv region

Thursday, 15 September 2022, 14:31


The Ukrainian troops showed the village council of the village of Velyki Prokhody in the Kharkiv region, which was occupied by Russians. They turned offices into prison cells and organised a little chapel in the nest room.

Source: project "Ukrainskyi Svidok" ("The Ukrainian Witness")


Russia occupied Velyki Prokhody in the first days of spring and kept the village under their control until the beginning of the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The village is only 16 kilometres away from the Russian border.

Offices in the village council were turned into prison cells. The windows in these rooms were covered, and holes were made in the doors in order to watch the prisoners.


 "Next to solitary confinement the occupiers organised a room with icons where a God-fearing torturer could confess after another bloody interrogation.

There was something similar in GULAG: in one room prisoners are being tortured and killed, and in the next room there is a chapel where torturers can confess their sins. Such is the Russian minimalism in its natural form", – stated the participants of the project.

Velyki Prokhody and other villages were under siege for over six months. After the liberation of Kharkiv Oblast locals started testifying about the atrocities committed by the occupiers.

Read also: Flooded during Russians’ offensive: life in the village of Demydiv. VIDEO

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