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We do not see Russia using Chinese weapons yet: Ukraine's National Security Council Secretary

Monday, 17 April 2023, 09:44
We do not see Russia using Chinese weapons yet: Ukraine's National Security Council Secretary

Oleksii Danilov, Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council (NSDC) of Ukraine, has said that so far Ukraine does not see Russia using Chinese weapons at the contact line.

Source: Danilov in an interview with TSN

Quote: "Today, we see no signs of weapons manufactured in China on the contact line. If this had appeared here... You will recall that when Iranian-made attack drones appeared, we immediately made a statement about this fact. What is more, we dismantled them, as they say, piece by piece, and even officially asked those countries whose components were used there why this happened and that it should be stopped.


We are not seeing any Chinese weapons on our contact line at the moment. As soon as this happens, we will immediately inform the public and the world. But, based on China's global issues, we do not see why it should supply weapons to the Russian Federation today."

Details: Commenting on the alleged US military intelligence report from leaked Pentagon documents that China has approved the supply of lethal weapons to Russia, Danilov said: "Additional alleged documents related to this leak may now appear".

The NSDC Secretary said that Russia is now "asking all countries for help because it lacks weapons", including China. "But Russia understands that it cannot defeat us militarily; they have a plan for internal destabilisation. This is their priority now," Danilov argues.


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