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8-month-old girl covered in blood in Kramatorsk: her mother tells details of tragedy

Tuesday, 4 July 2023, 10:35
8-month-old girl covered in blood in Kramatorsk: her mother tells details of tragedy
Yaryna Nosach with her daughter Miia. Photo: Yaryna Nosach

The Russian forces carried out a missile attack on Kramatorsk in Donetsk Oblast on 29 June, hitting a pizzeria in the city’s centre.

Twelve civilians were killed, and 65 people were injured. One of the victims is 8-month-old Miia and her mother. A video of the girl covered in blood went viral on social media.

Ukrainska Pravda.Zhyttia spoke to the child's mother, Yaryna Nosach. She described the tragic day and told us about her daughter's state of health.


"My husband, Miia and I went to a pizzeria, just for a few minutes, to get some food to go. I was holding her in my arms, just wanting to feed her. The attack happened out of the blue, and my husband covered me and my daughter with his arm," the victim recalls.

She adds that she had to climb out of the debris with her daughter in her arms to save her. Her husband was collecting their belongings and documents at the time.

"Then a stranger came up to us, took the child from my arms, and helped me carry her outside. I had to climb over some glass. When we managed to get out of there, we met a neighbour, a volunteer, who took us to the hospital," says Yaryna Nosach.

"After that, I went to my daughter and sat outside the ward door while she was receiving the treatment she needed. Miia got a fractured temporal bone and multiple puncture injuries to her head," the victim recalls.

The medical staff sent Miia to Kyiv for treatment. There, after additional examinations, the girl underwent surgery.

Miia and the girl's mother feel better now. The hospital promises to discharge them soon and send them to a neurologist and psychologist for rehabilitation.

Yaryna Nosach thanks everyone who contributed to raising funds for Miia's surgery, as they managed to raise the entire amount needed in a few days.

Miia after the operation
Photo: Yaryna Nosach

"The whole world raised money. It brings tears to my eyes how many people responded to our request," she says.

Background: On 16 June, a 12-year-old boy who was inside a private house in Kyiv Oblast survived and was unharmed after fragments of a Russian missile fell on the house.

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