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Russians force children to follow Russian curriculum in occupied Kherson Oblast

Tuesday, 15 August 2023, 15:30

The occupying administration of Kherson Oblast has opened a school in the village of Bekhtery and organised the educational process according to the Russian curriculum.

Children from the villages of Obloi, Tendrivske, Zburivka and Novochornomoria study in this educational facility.

Source: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

In order to force the children to follow the Russian educational programme, the Russians intimidate the parents with administrative responsibility for absenteeism, as reported by the General Staff of Ukraine.

Photo: mproduction/Depositphotos

"The Moscow regime continues the illegal integration of the population of the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine into its cultural and educational space," the General Staff report reads.

Earlier, there were reports that the Russians would cancel mandatory learning of Ukrainian in the occupied part of Zaporizhzhia Oblast.

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