Photos emerge of nighttime rubble clearing at Kharkiv hypermarket destroyed in Russian attack

Olha Hlushchenko — Sunday, 26 May 2024, 03:18

Clearing of rubble from the destroyed Epicentr hypermarket in Kharkiv continued on the night of 25-26 May.

Source: Suspilne Kharkiv, a Kharkiv-related branch of Ukrainian public broadcaster Suspilne

Details: Suspilne released photos of the rubble in the Kharkiv Epicentr being cleared after Russian strikes with guided aerial bombs.

The rubble being cleared in the Epicentr hypermarket in Kharkiv.
Photo: Suspilne Kharkiv
The rubble being cleared in the Epicentr hypermarket in Kharkiv.
Photo: Suspilne Kharkiv
The rubble being cleared in the Epicentr hypermarket in Kharkiv.
Photo: Suspilne Kharkiv
The rubble being cleared in the Epicentr hypermarket in Kharkiv.
Photo: Suspilne Kharkiv

More updates on this topic: Death toll from Russian attack on Kharkiv hypermarket rises to 14


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