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Russians hit home improvement hypermarket in Kharkiv, killing and injuring civilians civilians – videos, photos

Saturday, 25 May 2024, 16:18
Russians hit home improvement hypermarket in Kharkiv, killing and injuring civilians civilians – videos, photos
Aftermath of Russian attack on Epicentr hypermarket in Kharkiv. Photo: Oleh Syniehubov on Telegram

Russian forces attacked an Epicentr home improvement hypermarket in a residential area of the city of Kharkiv on Saturday afternoon (25 May), claiming the lives of two people and leaving 24 injured.

Source: Kharkiv Mayor Ihor Terekhov; Oleh Syniehubov, Head of Kharkiv Oblast Administration, on Telegram

фото з Telegram Синєгубова
Aftermath of Russian attack on Kharkiv on 25 May
Photo: Oleh Syniehubov on Telegram

Details: Terekhov reported explosions in Kharkiv at 16:02. Later, he said the city had been struck.


Quote from Terekhov: "Early reports indicate that a residential area of the city, a dense civilian area, has been hit. Information about the casualties and damage is being gathered. All relevant services will work at the site of the hit."

More updates on this topic: Death toll from Russian attack on Kharkiv hypermarket rises to 14

More details: Terekhov later added that, based on early reports, the Russians had struck a home improvement hypermarket. "We have information about the fatalities and injuries, but it needs to be confirmed," he added.

фото з Telegram Синєгубова
Aftermath of Russian attack on Kharkiv on 25 May
Photo: Oleh Syniehubov on Telegram

In addition, Oleh Syniehubov said the Russians had struck "civilian commercial infrastructure", and a fire broke out. Information about the number of casualties is being gathered.

фото з Telegram Синєгубова
Aftermath of Russian attack on Kharkiv on 25 May

At 16:26, Syniehubov added that one civilian had been killed and at least four injured.

Terekhov reported that the Russian attack had claimed two lives

A video of the fire in the Epicentr hypermarket in Kharkiv after the strike is being shared on social media.

Quote: "We have a large number of people missing. There are many injured. Apparently, the strike targeted a shopping centre, where many people gathered – this is pure terrorism."

Quote from Syniehubov: "Two Russian guided aerial bombs have hit a home improvement hypermarket in Kharkiv. Updated reports indicate that two civilians have been killed. A fire broke out over 15,000 sq. m.

...The number of injured has increased to 11 people."

Updated: At 17:22, Syniehubov reported that the number of injured had risen to 24, and that 2 people had been killed. Several hundred people could have been inside.

There is no military facility nearby.

Earlier, Syniehubov reported that Russian forces had struck the settlement of Kupiansk-Vuzlove with a guided aerial bomb. At least five people were injured, an ambulance and one civilian vehicle were damaged.

This news has been updated since publication.

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