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Intelligence: Russia may be working on Zelenskyy alleged surrender video. It’s a fake

Ukraine’s Central Intelligence Agency warns that Russia could be working on a large-scale disinformation campaign, including a video in which President Volodymyr Zelenskyy allegedly declares capitulation. The CIA urges people not to believe this and similar statements if they suddenly begin to appear because Ukraine will never surrender.

In Russia, authorities ban sales of newspaper with “No to War” cover

The Vse Dlya Vas [Everything for You] newspaper in the Russian city of Yakutsk published its most recent issue with a cover that reads “No to War.” The City Press Headquarters banned its sale “just in case.”

Russian communications agency blocks websites writing about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

Russia’s Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media has started a mass blocking of Russian websites that write about Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

Russia has turned off Twitter, there are problems with the Internet connection and general online communication

Twitter has been shut down in Russia, and there are also general online/network issues - social media networks are barely working.

Russia 24 TV Channel Airs ‘Confessions’ of Ukrainians Accused in Crimea

TV channel Russia 24 showed a video of interrogation of several men, one of them — Andriy Zakhtiy. He says on camera that he “followed the orders of Ukrainian Defence Intelligence on transporting of the saboteurs and their baggage around Crimea.”

Second ‘Saboteur’ Arrested in Crimea Is a Construction Worker

Another ‘saboteur from Ukrainian Defense Intelligence’ arrested by the FSB is a Lviv-born resident of Yevpatoria who worked in construction, according to a statement of the Crimean Human Rights Group.